National Authorization Panel (LAP)

The National Authorisation Panel (LAP) was established by the QRiH Alliance (consisting of the deans of the literature and history faculties (DLG), of the philosophy faculties (DWBUn), and of the theology and religion faculties (DGO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)) on 15 June 2017. Its members are nine leading researchers active in the various humanities domains. Each one has been appointed for a five-year period.

The task of the National Authorisation Panel is to confirm the QRiH instrument every year on the recommendation of the Domain Panels. The Panel is also tasked with establishing the Domain Panels following their nomination by the national research schools participating in the QRiH Alliance, and it further oversees the work of the Domain Panels and their recommendations. Finally, the National Authorisation Panel is responsible for the ongoing refinement of the QRiH instrument. The Panel seeks to reach consensus in its decisions.



  1. Remieg Aerts , Professor of Dutch History, UvA (previously, RU, Univ. of Groningen).
  2. Jan Paul Crielaard, Professor of Mediterranean Pre- and Proto-Historical Archaeology, VU.
  3. Jan Willem van Henten, Professor of Religious Studies, specialising in Judaism and Christianity in the Ancient World, UvA.
  4. Susanne Janssen, Professor of the Sociology of Media and Culture, EUR.
  5. Leo Lucassen, Professor of Global Labour and Migration History, Leiden University, and head of research at the IISG
  6. Barend van der Meulen, Professor of Evidence for Science Policy, Leiden University, and head of research at the Rathenau Institute.
  7. Rene van Woudenberg, Professor of Epistemology and Metaphysics, VU.

The National Authorisation Panel works in accordance with the rules adopted by the DLG, DGO, DWB and the Royal Netherlands Academy (of Arts and Sciences (PDF in Dutch).