Popular products


This indicator pertains to research outputs and/or products meant primarily for a general public of interested persons. 

They are:



Leaving aside their target group, the indicators in the Popular products category can be defined in the same terms as the output indicators in Cell 1 (Research products for peers). This applies both to their descriptions and to how they are applied. These indicators are defined here.


Examples of target groups include the readers of articles in newspapers or popular science magazines, visitors attending exhibitions and lectures meant for various public groups, media users or those attending conferences organised by or for societies and associations.

In so far as these groups are served by hybrid products, defined as products of demonstrable importance to both peers and professionals and/or the general public, the results are listed under the authorised or reasoned output indicators in Cell 1, Research products for peers. They can be reported a second time here in the narrative, where there is an opportunity to explain the interaction and/or interweaving of scientific/scholarly and societal impact and relevance so typical of the humanities. 



In general, the use of indicators for products intended for interested general audiences is relatively straightforward.

Below are brief descriptions of the indicators by product, along with relevant examples of their use.